Exploring the theme of light and darkness in the Bible
Grand Themes 7 – Exodus II
ABQ-GT7 – Exodus II Slides
Ten rounds with king, night of the Passover, and the single greatest redemptive event in the Hebrew Bible. How would you have handled it?
Grand Themes 6 – Exodus I
Things have really changed in Pharaoh land – from hospitality to infanticide. The people cry out. How will God respond?
Grand Themes 5 – Covenant IV
Our covenant journey culminates here with the New Covenant. How is it different to what came before and what does the Old and NewTestaments teach about it?
Grand Themes 4 – Covenant III – David
David sets up the prototype of a king, but more than a king – a prophet-priest-king. God promises an enduring kingdom and a forever throne to David. But how is Melchizedek involved in these promises?
Grand Themes 3 – Covenant II – Israel
“Listen to what I say. What I asked you to do, if you just do it, you will become a really unique people among the nations that represents the character of God.”
Grand Themes 2 – Covenant I
- Intro to Covenants
- Covenant with Noah
- Covenant with Abraham
Grand Themes 1 – God dwelling with his humans
Grand Themes 1 – God dwelling with his humans
God has always wanted to dwell with His image-bearers. See how this theme recurs throughout the Scriptures, and the implications for Christian life today.